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Testimonials Continued...

“Abraham is a fantastic gardener and a very thoughtful man. He is growing his personal vegetable garden with seeds provided by Hope Seeds. He will invest in his garden and then share the harvest with his less fortunate neighbors. Abraham truly understands the principle of generosity and practices it everyday in the village he calls home.”
Sid and Kara Hosler, Swazi Hope, Swaziland
“A happy young Cambodian farmer, 18 years old in one of the orphan homes with his ‘Hope Seeds’ seed packs. He has USA seed catalogues and dreams over the seed he wants to plant. Thanks to Hope Seeds for investing in his life.”
Frank Frye, Cru, Cambodia

“The people of Nchiru and myself are all extremely grateful for Hope Seed’s assistance by way of seed donation. The project was implemented successfully, raised revenue to feed the 700+ children attending school/boarding there. I have updates from several members of the community all expressing gratitude and that the greenhouses are indeed producing high yields of vegetables for the children’s cafeteria.”
Madeline Steiner, Nchiru children’s village, Kenya
“We did receive the seeds especially enjoyed growing the sweet cabbage and tomatoes. These vegetables have helped my children improve their health status that they no longer fall sick. I have large family, so these vegetables have been of great help to my family, Instead of me incurring expenses in buying vegetables, I just grow my vegetables in my garden and feed my children. My message to Hope seeds is that; thank you so much for providing us with seeds and please give us more so we can grow sale some in the market and earn money for supporting our children.”

Zam Nabirye, Naminage village in Kamuli District, Uganda

“The garden has been thriving! Thanks again to Hope Seeds for their generosity, you are making a big difference!”
Brad Ward, Hospital Loma de Luz, Honduras
“These people are the poorest of the overwhelming poor.
They now have food growing in their gardens.
Their children will be able to eat for another season.
Thank you for your help together in God’s Work!”

Zam Nabirye, Naminage village in Kamuli District, Uganda

"Psalm139LOVE + Hope Seeds International is truly making a difference in Haiti! We so appreciate not only our partnership with them but also our friendship with David-Maxine Balsbaugh ( David was recently down with us on the trip Paul Pecott and I went a few months back. I received a beautiful message from Kethlin Vilbon asking if it was possible to have f sad one seeds for an area called Sylvain where he and another agronomist ( pictured here his name is Fanes Etienne) Augustave Anson have him 28 family packs of seeds. This is what Kethlin wrote.., I totally appreciate Your words of encouragement as it lifts my spirits! I just love what you are doing in our community and our country. I admire you a lot ! Kees doing God’s work in Haiti ,the rewards will come from heaven!!! Kethlin sent the pictures of where they are farming and keep us updated in the gardens they build! Without Hope Seeds this wouldn’t be possible. Together we can fight poverty and food insecurity in Haiti ! Give a man a vegetable he can eat for a day but teach him how to farm and he can eat for life! It’s all about equipping and training our bothers and sister there to be self sustaining"
Amanda Pecott, Psalm139Love, Haiti


Hope Seeds is a Christian ministry which provides quality garden seeds to a hungry world through missionaries and mission teams to help feed the whole person — body, mind, and soul. Learn More
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